Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Community Responsibility Endowment Fund

Since 1982 the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio membership has elected Trustees to manage and administer the Community Responsibility Endowment Fund (CREF).  Each year the CREF Trustees award grants to support projects and activities in our local community.

2023 CREF Award Recipients

Free Battered Texas Women educates and organizes to stop incarcerating battered women & to support them in their reentry.They will be using their $1,800 grant for an exhibit entitled “Acting under Duress, Surviving with Resilience”.
The American Indians in Texas of the Spanish Colonial Missions provides a wide array of programs that address the social needs and cultural aspirations of the diverse indigenous communities in San Antonio. They will be using their $3200 grant for a National Voter's Registration Day event & to create a video highlighting Native American presence in San Antonio.
The Center for Refugee Services assists refugees during their resettlement period here in the United States. They will be using their $3500 grant to provide essential supplies to their clients.

CREF Awards Presentation Videos:





Donate to CREF

In the fall, CREF conducts its annual fundraising drive to raise money to grow the CREF endowment and increase the amount of earnings CREF has to award for grants in future years. You can donate at any time by simply Clicking Here and select “CREF”. Thank you for supporting our community philanthropy.

CREF Awards Criteria

Click here to learn more about what information is needed to apply for a grant and how the funds are administered.

CREF Awards Cycle & Nominating an Organization 

Nominations are made by Church members throughout the year with a cut off of June 30 for the Fall awards cycle. Nominees meeting the CREF Awards Criteria will receive an opportunity to apply for a CREF grant. Click Here to see the annual awards cycle. To nominate an organization that meets the CREF criteria, complete the CREF Nomination Form

Frequently Asked Questions 

Do you have more questions about CREF? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

If you are interested in joining the CREF team, visit our CREF Committee page or email cref@uusat.org.