Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Children & Youth Programs

Unitarian Universalist principles ask us to engage in a responsible search for truth and meaning, and encourage our spiritual growth.  This is a lifelong process that starts in childhood and continues throughout our lives. Through our Children and Youth programs, we nurture truth-seeking, spirituality, and progressive moral values that will continue to shape and support our children as they grow.  As a non-creedal religion, we don’t indoctrinate our children, but instead give them the support and resources to develop their own personal spirituality.

We provide nursery care for infants and toddlers, year-round religious education classes from preschool through high school, science based and age-appropriate sexuality education for all ages, child dedications within the church to celebrate the reverence of life and welcome young children into the congregation, and youth scholarships to assist our teens toward a successful transition to young adulthood. We make every effort to create a welcoming place and provide interesting and fun programming.

Our nursery is open for infants and toddlers every Sunday from 9:15 a.m. through 12:15 p.m. and is staffed by trained, experienced childcare providers.  Visit our Nursery page for more information about the services provided for infants and toddlers.

Our Religious Education hour takes place every Sunday from 9:30 a.m. through 10:30 a.m.  We have classes for different age groups, including preschool, elementary, middle, and high school. Visit our Youth Religious Education page for more information about our grade level classes.

Our Worship Service takes place every Sunday from 11:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. Children are important members of our faith community. They are welcome here! Just like adults, children learn through firsthand experience. Regardless of whether they understand every part of the service, we believe they will absorb its intentions, as well as feel valued and welcomed.

We also know that it is tough for children to sit still for long! Your children are welcome to sit with you for the entirety of the service, but we also offer supervised playground time for children from preschool through 5th grade during the second half of service. Simply sign up for playground time in the Sanctuary foyer before service begins.

Look for activity books in the foyer for your child to use during service. We have a Wiggle Room in the rear of our Sanctuary that allows parents to watch the service while their infants and toddlers are comforted.  We also reserve rocking chairs in the Sanctuary especially for the comfort of our breastfeeding families.

We want you to know that your family is very welcome, and we hope your children and youth find a comfortable home here!
