First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio
Capital Campaign
Say “Yes” to the Future
Our Capital Campaign kicked off in Fall of 2022. The goals of our Capital Campaign included improving safety on campus, upgrading our digital technology, renovating our kitchen and lounge, replacing our failing air conditioners, increasing accessibility, refreshing our Sanctuary, and updating our landscaping. We have completed several projects so far and have more in the works, but still need your help to meet all of our goals.
If you have already pledged towards the Capital Campaign, thank you and we encourage to continue making your payments towards your pledge. If you have not yet made a Capital Campaign Pledge, we encourage you to complete a Capital Campaign Commitment form today!
Capital Campaign Activities
November 17, 2024
A Special Congregational Meeting will be held this Sunday, November 17 at 12:00 PM immediately after the service to provide updated renovation cost estimates, status of Capital Campaign, and Board recommendations for proceeding with the project. Voting on the proposed motions will occur online after the meeting.
Click HERE for current a current summary of the project.

Coming Soon
We received new renderings of our kitchen and lounge renovations from Derrick Architects. Highlights include a larger kitchen, an accessible bathroom, lots of natural light, more seating areas, more outlets, and an enlarged space for food service. We hope to be able to start this project in the near future. Click HERE to view the estimated timeline of this project.
March 10, 2024
We held another ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of our fourth Captial Campaign project, installation of a perimeter fence around the campus to improve safety. We also regraded our playground and planted new grass.

January 21, 2024
Another ribbon cutting ceremony was held to celebrate the completion of our third completed Capital Campaign project, new Wi-Fi installation throughout all buildings and outdoor spaces on campus.
November 12, 2023
We held a ribbon cutting ceremony for our second completed Capital Campaign project, a resurfacing and restriping of our parking lot. This was a job that was sorely overdue.

April 16, 2023
We completed our first Capital Campaign project, a freshening up of our Sanctuary foyer. The refresh included new signage, an additional welcome table, nametag racks, and a bench. The furniture was custom designed by Derrick Architects of maple wood to match the wood used in the Sanctuary.
November 5, 2022
We celebrated our church’s 75th anniversary at a Fellowship Banquet held at the San Antonio Food Bank. One-hundred and seventy people gathered to honor our past and prepare for the future.

September 25, 2022
We kicked off the Capital Campaign with a special Worship Service for the congregation followed by an ice cream social and foam party for the kids.
Frequently Asked Questions
Capital Campaign Do’s & Don’ts
Do visit with a member of our Capital Campaign Committee at if you have any questions about the campaign or about making a commitment.
Do take time to carefully consider your gift to the church. Read the Capital Campaign LOOK BOOK and check out the website for updates.
Do make your commitment by completing the Capital Campaign Commitment form.
Do talk to others at church about the campaign and stay positive. We are all in this together!
Do share your ideas. Not every idea can be acted upon, but every idea is given due consideration by the Capital Campaign Committee.
Don’t lower your annual pledge amount to make a Capital Campaign commitment! We still have a church to run day to day, and your pledge funds our annual budget.