Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events
S Sun
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10 events,
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
"A Way Through the Weight of Waiting" with guest speaker Rev. Barbara Jarrell - Rev. Jarrell will be talking about approaches, tools, tactics, and connections that can effectively help us […]
Children’s Choir Practice
Children’s Choir Practice
Does your child love to sing? We would love to have them join our Children's Choir. The choir practices on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 9:30am in the Sanctuary Choir […]
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum is an open group seeking fellowship and community through self-discovery and discussion of life experiences. Meets every Sunday in room #404 on the church campus.
Young Adults Group
Young Adults Group
Designed for ages 18-35, this class provides a space for young adults to meet, have fun, and learn more about how Unitarian Universalism works in their lives. Join our Facebook […]
Parent Group
Parent Group
Meet with other parents for support and to share experiences and insights about all aspects of parenting/caregiving. All parents, caregivers and guardians are welcome. For more information about the UU […]
First UU 101
First UU 101
This class gives newcomers, or anyone considering membership with the church, an overview of how the church is organized and what services are offered. All are welcome! For more information […]
Reading Group
Reading Group
The UU Reading Group is a book discussion group that welcomes all those who seek to broaden and deepen their understanding of topics of concern to UUs, which include world […]
Youth Religious Education
Youth Religious Education
Our Religious Education program for children and youth offers classes staffed by trained volunteers, service opportunities, sexuality education, as well as opportunities for fun and fellowship. Classes for preschool through high […]
Mauk Library
Mauk Library
Founded in 2008, the Mauk library contains an extensive collection of books about philosophy, theology, and world religions. Books may be borrowed and returned on the honor system. Materials are […]
William Westney Concert
William Westney Concert
Church member William Westney will present a fundraising piano concert in the Sanctuary on Sunday afternoon, January 26, at 4:00 PM. Bill is a prizewinning concert artist who has given […]
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3 events,
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Weekly practice for our fabulous First UU choir, led by music director, Dr. Susan Dill. Choir membership is open to all who have a love of singing. Childcare is available. […]
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Calling all musicians! Join us for an immersive musical training session where theory meets practice, collaboration flourishes, and melodies resonate. Hosted by Stephen Spikes every first Saturday of the month […]
10 events,
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
"Of Groundhogs and Goddesses" with Maggi Joseph - We are invited to learn a little bit about how some ancient European goddesses have left traces of their traditions on some […]
Children’s Choir Practice
Children’s Choir Practice
Does your child love to sing? We would love to have them join our Children's Choir. The choir practices on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 9:30am in the Sanctuary Choir […]
Youth Religious Education
Youth Religious Education
Our Religious Education program for children and youth offers classes staffed by trained volunteers, service opportunities, sexuality education, as well as opportunities for fun and fellowship. Classes for preschool through high […]
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum is an open group seeking fellowship and community through self-discovery and discussion of life experiences. Meets every Sunday in room #404 on the church campus.
Parent Group
Parent Group
Meet with other parents for support and to share experiences and insights about all aspects of parenting/caregiving. All parents, caregivers and guardians are welcome. For more information about the UU […]
Young Adults Group
Young Adults Group
Designed for ages 18-35, this class provides a space for young adults to meet, have fun, and learn more about how Unitarian Universalism works in their lives. Join our Facebook […]
Reading Group
Reading Group
The UU Reading Group is a book discussion group that welcomes all those who seek to broaden and deepen their understanding of topics of concern to UUs, which include world […]
Crafting Circle
Crafting Circle
Feeling crafty? Join us after service for some crafting fun with diamond painting and an after service snack. What’s diamond painting you ask? It’s not diamonds and it’s not painting, […]
Mauk Library
Mauk Library
Founded in 2008, the Mauk library contains an extensive collection of books about philosophy, theology, and world religions. Books may be borrowed and returned on the honor system. Materials are […]
TANG (Trans & Non-Binary Group)
TANG (Trans & Non-Binary Group)
TANG, the Transgender and Non-Binary Group, is our monthly support group meetings for transgender, non-binary, and gender-questioning individuals which provide a safe place to talk and share your stories. Meetings […]
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1 event,
Leadership Development Committee
Leadership Development Committee
Monthly meeting of the Leadership Development Committee, whose purpose is to identify and nurture lay leaders of the church. For more information about the committee or to get involved in […]
2 events,
Green Sanctuary Team
Green Sanctuary Team
The monthly planning meeting of the Green Sanctuary Team who works to educate and involve the congregation and the larger community in environmental actions as an integral part of a […]
Stewardship Committee
Stewardship Committee
Regular planning meeting of our Stewardship Committee who plans and coordinates the yearly pledge drive of the church. For more information contact
2 events,
Senior Valentine’s Lunch
Senior Valentine’s Lunch
Calling all Valentines, Galentines, and Palentines for our annual Senior Valentine's Lunch. This event is for members 65 and older and their spouses/partners. Sponsored by Membership, Member Care, Stewardship, and […]
Environmental Reading Group
Environmental Reading Group
The environmental reading group focuses on environmental justice issues as well as the heart and spirituality that calls us to address these issues. The groups meets twice on month on […]
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3 events,
Family, Faith, Formation Forum
Family, Faith, Formation Forum
Enrich your family's spiritual path and help shape the future of our church community through meaningful discussions and big dreams! Childcare and lunch provided. (Note: We will be standing and […]
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Weekly practice for our fabulous First UU choir, led by music director, Dr. Susan Dill. Choir membership is open to all who have a love of singing. Childcare is available. […]
Circle Dinners
Circle Dinners
Circle Dinners is a program where different people from the church meet monthly for a meal and fellowship. Participants are chosen at random, so you dine with different people each […]
10 events,
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
"Chocolate-Covered Compassion: Sweet Lessons in Love" by Rev. Dr. Xolani Kacela - What can a box of chocolates teach us about love, compassion, and relationships? This special Sunday, we’ll hear […]
Children’s Choir Practice
Children’s Choir Practice
Does your child love to sing? We would love to have them join our Children's Choir. The choir practices on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 9:30am in the Sanctuary Choir […]
Young Adults Group
Young Adults Group
Designed for ages 18-35, this class provides a space for young adults to meet, have fun, and learn more about how Unitarian Universalism works in their lives. Join our Facebook […]
Reading Group
Reading Group
The UU Reading Group is a book discussion group that welcomes all those who seek to broaden and deepen their understanding of topics of concern to UUs, which include world […]
Youth Religious Education
Youth Religious Education
Our Religious Education program for children and youth offers classes staffed by trained volunteers, service opportunities, sexuality education, as well as opportunities for fun and fellowship. Classes for preschool through high […]
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum is an open group seeking fellowship and community through self-discovery and discussion of life experiences. Meets every Sunday in room #404 on the church campus.
Parent Group
Parent Group
Meet with other parents for support and to share experiences and insights about all aspects of parenting/caregiving. All parents, caregivers and guardians are welcome. For more information about the UU […]
Soup it Up! FUUnd Lunch
Soup it Up! FUUnd Lunch
CREF is sponsoring the FUUnd Lunch - “Soup It Up!”. Please come to the old lounge/kitchen to pick up your food & drink, then follow signs & directions to seating […]
Mauk Library
Mauk Library
Founded in 2008, the Mauk library contains an extensive collection of books about philosophy, theology, and world religions. Books may be borrowed and returned on the honor system. Materials are […]
Social Justice Committee
Social Justice Committee
Monthly planning meeting of the Social Justice Committee, dedicated to working on Social Justice activities such as antiracism, immigration, reproductive name just a few. All are welcome to attend. […]
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1 event,
Worship Committee
Worship Committee
Monthly planning meeting of the Worship Committee who, in partner with the ministers, endeavors to offer a communal worship experience each Sunday. For more information or to get involved visit […]
0 events,
2 events,
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Weekly practice for our fabulous First UU choir, led by music director, Dr. Susan Dill. Choir membership is open to all who have a love of singing. Childcare is available. […]
UU Retired Women’s Group
UU Retired Women’s Group
The UU Retired Women's group is a social group that meets monthly for fellowship and enrichment.
8 events,
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
"Celebrating Family" with Tim Versteeg, Director of Lifespan Religious Education - Monday, February 17th is Family Day up in Canada, so the DLRE is bringing that idea to Texas! Parents […]
Children’s Choir Practice
Children’s Choir Practice
Does your child love to sing? We would love to have them join our Children's Choir. The choir practices on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 9:30am in the Sanctuary Choir […]
Parent Group
Parent Group
Meet with other parents for support and to share experiences and insights about all aspects of parenting/caregiving. All parents, caregivers and guardians are welcome. For more information about the UU […]
Youth Religious Education
Youth Religious Education
Our Religious Education program for children and youth offers classes staffed by trained volunteers, service opportunities, sexuality education, as well as opportunities for fun and fellowship. Classes for preschool through high […]
Reading Group
Reading Group
The UU Reading Group is a book discussion group that welcomes all those who seek to broaden and deepen their understanding of topics of concern to UUs, which include world […]
Young Adults Group
Young Adults Group
Designed for ages 18-35, this class provides a space for young adults to meet, have fun, and learn more about how Unitarian Universalism works in their lives. Join our Facebook […]
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum is an open group seeking fellowship and community through self-discovery and discussion of life experiences. Meets every Sunday in room #404 on the church campus.
Mauk Library
Mauk Library
Founded in 2008, the Mauk library contains an extensive collection of books about philosophy, theology, and world religions. Books may be borrowed and returned on the honor system. Materials are […]
0 events,
1 event,
Adult & Youth Religious Education Committee
Adult & Youth Religious Education Committee
Regular meeting of the Adult & Youth Religious Education (ARE) Committee who are responsible for planning Adult and Youth Religious programming. All are invited to attend to discuss current and […]
1 event,
Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees. Our Board of Trustees focuses on the institutional health of our church. They explore topics such as how are we fulfilling our mission […]
3 events,
Member Care
Member Care
Monthly planning of the Member Care Committee, the team that provides short-term practical support in times of need, including but not limited to meals for a family when someone is […]
Game Night & Dinner
Game Night & Dinner
Have fun playing board games with your friends - both old & new! The church has a selection of games but feel free to bring your favorite from home. Dinner […]
Environmental Reading Group
Environmental Reading Group
The environmental reading group focuses on environmental justice issues as well as the heart and spirituality that calls us to address these issues. The group meets twice a month on […]
0 events,
2 events,
30th Annual Basura Bash
30th Annual Basura Bash
Every year, thousands of volunteers come together to clear litter and debris from our beloved rivers and creeks during San Antonio's largest waterway clean-up event. Join the Green Sanctuary Team […]
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Weekly practice for our fabulous First UU choir, led by music director, Dr. Susan Dill. Choir membership is open to all who have a love of singing. Childcare is available. […]
9 events,
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
"Glow Up Your Soul: Self-Care Hacks for the Heart and Mind" with Rev. Xolani Kacela, Ph.D. - In a busy world that feels chaotic, how can we fill our inner […]
Children’s Choir Practice
Children’s Choir Practice
Does your child love to sing? We would love to have them join our Children's Choir. The choir practices on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 9:30am in the Sanctuary Choir […]
Parent Group
Parent Group
Meet with other parents for support and to share experiences and insights about all aspects of parenting/caregiving. All parents, caregivers and guardians are welcome. For more information about the UU […]
Reading Group
Reading Group
The UU Reading Group is a book discussion group that welcomes all those who seek to broaden and deepen their understanding of topics of concern to UUs, which include world […]
Young Adults Group
Young Adults Group
Designed for ages 18-35, this class provides a space for young adults to meet, have fun, and learn more about how Unitarian Universalism works in their lives. Join our Facebook […]
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum
Seekers Forum is an open group seeking fellowship and community through self-discovery and discussion of life experiences. Meets every Sunday in room #404 on the church campus.
Youth Religious Education
Youth Religious Education
Our Religious Education program for children and youth offers classes staffed by trained volunteers, service opportunities, sexuality education, as well as opportunities for fun and fellowship. Classes for preschool through high […]
Mauk Library
Mauk Library
Founded in 2008, the Mauk library contains an extensive collection of books about philosophy, theology, and world religions. Books may be borrowed and returned on the honor system. Materials are […]
First UU 101
First UU 101
This class gives newcomers, or anyone considering membership with the church, an overview of how the church is organized and what services are offered. All are welcome! For more information […]
0 events,
1 event,
Membership Committee
Membership Committee
Monthly planning meeting of the Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is a team of dedicated members who provide leadership for the congregation on a weekly basis by modeling and practicing […]
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2 events,
Choir Practice
Choir Practice
Weekly practice for our fabulous First UU choir, led by music director, Dr. Susan Dill. Choir membership is open to all who have a love of singing. Childcare is available. […]
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Calling all musicians! Join us for an immersive musical training session where theory meets practice, collaboration flourishes, and melodies resonate. Hosted by Stephen Spikes every first Saturday of the month […]
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
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- There are no events on this day.