Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


How is a Capital Campaign different from an Annual Pledge Drive?

A Capital Campaign has certain features distinguishing it from annual giving:

▪ It is in response to a matter of SIGNIFICANT need, and therefore takes place ONLY when necessary.

▪ It invests its return in PERMANENT PROPERTIES.

▪ It seeks much LARGER AMOUNTS of money than a planned budget can meet.

▪ It schedules payments over a LONGER PERIOD of time: allowing donors to select a giving plan convenient for them.

▪ It requires a PLANNED and INSPIRATIONAL effort, often involving gifts of annuities, real estate, stocks, trusts, life insurance, IRAs, securities or other assets. Through it, many individuals come to realize the joy of deepening their faith and commitment to change in this world.

We believe in equal commitment in our giving, not equal giving.