Ready to Join Us?
Our members are young and old, with backgrounds from a variety of faith traditions. We come together in community to share and support each of our spiritual journeys. We invite you to join us as you explore Unitarian Universalism, learn more about First UU Church and consider making us your spiritual home.
Why become a member?
- Members are able to vote on important issues and can actively participate in church leadership. You must be a member to serve on the Board or act as the chair on different Committees within the church.
- Marriage , memorial services and Child Dedications, (a special ceremony of welcome for babies and young children) are offered at no cost to our members.
- Pastoral support is provided to members from the minister and lay pastoral care teams, including counseling, home visits, meals, and rides
As a member we expect that you share your ideas, talents, and interests, which could mean singing in the choir, participating in worship, teaching a class, working on the buildings or in the grounds, being active in social justice, or organizing a social event.
We hope that you will attend worship services, religious education classes, and join a Chalice Circle (formerly covenant groups).
We encourage all potential members to spend some time getting to know us. Attend Worship Service and some of our many Religious Education classes. Participate in our social gatherings and justice events. Once you feel ready to join the First UU family, follow the steps below to become a member.
Once you have made the decision to join our community:
- Attend First UU 101, a class held monthly that provides information about our congregation and Unitarian Universalism. This is not required but strongly suggested.
- Complete the Membership Interest Form so we can get to know you (and your family) a little bit better.
- Promise to support the church by making a responsible financial pledge. While you do not have to be a member to support the church financially, without members’ support, there would be no First UU. Members make an annual pledge, a written financial commitment that reflects their personal situation as well as what the church means to them.
After you have joined you will be invited to sign the Membership Book at one of our periodic ceremonies to welcome new members during the Sunday service!
Community Agreement: In order to establish and maintain a sanctuary of safety and trust, these aspirational guidelines for our behaviors with each other have been created from our own experiences and for our own benefit. It is understood that our commitments may be made, broken and restored as a part of our process of growth.
Support our mission:
- Model kindness to promote justice, equity and compassion
- Share time, talent and treasure
- Honor our past, embrace change, and celebrate successes
Communicate thoughtfully with others:
- Practice patience and look for good intentions in each other’s action
- Learn from and listen to each other
- Speak honestly from our own experiences and perspectives
- Respect the personal nature of comments that others may share
Honor differences:
- Resist making assumptions about one another
- Work toward forgiveness whenever we fall short of expectations
- Speak directly to each other or request mediation to negotiate misunderstandings
- Welcome the diversity among us with curiosity, acceptance and empathy
Our Covenant: Love is the doctrine of this church, the quest of truth is its sacrament, and service is its prayer. To dwell together in peace, to seek knowledge in freedom, to serve humanity in fellowship, to the end that all souls shall grow into harmony with the Divine—thus do we covenant with each other.
For more information about membership at First UU, contact our Membership committee at
For more information about the Membership Committee and its functions visit