Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Pastoral Care

We need one another when we mourn and would be comforted.
We need one another when we are in trouble and afraid.
We need one another when we are in despair, in temptation,
and need to be recalled to our best selves.
We need one another when we come to die,
and would have gentle hands to prepare us for the journey.
All our lives we are in need, and others are in need of us.

~ George E. O’Dell

At First UU we offer a team-based approach to pastoral care, building on the interchange of friendship and the overall support of a caring congregation. If you are in a place in your life where you feel the need of a little extra support, please feel welcome to contact us through the church office at office@uusat.org.

Pastoral Associates

Pastoral Associates are trained volunteers who strive to be a listening ear for members of the congregation and their families in times of need and challenge, including those of a chronic or long-term nature. Working in close relationship with the minister, Pastoral Associates also maintain connection with members who are homebound or in assisted living, as well as those who are in the hospital or hospice. Pastoral Associates provide active listening and support in a confidential manner, which can be a source of strength and empowerment. 

If you feel you could benefit from Pastoral Associate assistance, contact the minister at minister@uusat.org.

If you would like to volunteer to be a Pastoral Associate, complete the Pastoral Associate Application

Member Care

The Member Care team provides short-term practical support in times of need, including but not limited to meals for a family in times of need such as illness, a death in the family, or when someone is hospitalized. Also provided are greeting cards, rides to church or to medical appointments. The team helps members connect with external resources as needed and involves the assistance from the congregation as appropriate. Member Care also assists with receptions as needed for members’ memorial services.  

If you need assistance from the Member Care team or would like to volunteer to be part of the team, contact the Member Care committee at membercare@uusat.org

Our Minister

Members and their families are welcome to contact our minister for short-term pastoral counseling on a confidential basis. Examples of matters you might choose to share with the minister are grief and change, retirement, relationship crises, job loss, medical or family concerns, or end of life situations, as well as matters of celebration and joy.  Contact our minister at minister@uusat.org.

Life Transition Form

Help your church be there for you in times of crisis or life transition. Complete the Life Transition Form with as little or as much information as you feel comfortable.  It will be sent to the Minister to be held in complete confidence until needed.