Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Chalice Circles

Our Chalice Circles program is what we formerly called Covenant Groups. These small group ministries exist in many Unitarian Universalist congregations as a way for people to explore their deepest understanding of life in the midst of a community of faith. Here at First UU, Chalice Circles also serve as small communities of listening and caring in the midst of our very large congregation. 

How often do we get to explore the fundamental concerns of our lives with the support of other liberal religious seekers? Chalice Circles are groups of about ten people, led by a trained facilitator, who meet regularly to build community, learn to practice shared ministry, and nurture their spiritual lives.

Characteristics of Chalice Circles


Chalice Circles consist of 6-12 people, large enough to promote group interaction, but small enough to encourage intimacy and equal participation.


Each Chalice Circle gathering is structured to help us set aside daily distractions and make deeper connections with one another. The simple format includes opening words, lighting of the chalice, checking-in, focus of the meeting, checking-out, closing words, and extinguishing the chalice. A monthly “session guide” will provide readings and topics that groups may use at their discretion.


Some topics are spiritual in nature (joy, trust, faith); others reflect universal human themes (mentors, loss, forgiveness, humor). Chalice Circles are not study groups or debate teams. The focus is on respectful listening, reflection, and creative interchange among group members.


Making connections with other people is easier when we understand how they like to be treated. In the first few meetings of a Chalice Circle, members develop a covenant – a list of promises – describing the ways they commit to interact with one another. Members each contribute to the ongoing activities of the group, such as choosing the readings, hosting the gatherings, and reminding members of meeting times and places. Having clear expectations for communication and sharing responsibility for the group’s activities ensures that all members benefit from the Chalice Circle experience.

Sample Sessions

Click on the links below to view samples of a Chalice Circle meeting.

Sample Session one: Compassion

Sample Session two: Doubt

How Do I Sign Up?

Chalice Circles with openings will accept new members at least once a year. An empty chair is present at each meeting as a reminder of the importance of welcoming the future stranger who will benefit from the blessings of the group. The normal sign-up time for existing groups is in August of each year, with a September start. New groups may form throughout the year. 

For more information on Chalice Circles or to sign up, contact our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Tim Versteeg, at tversteeg@uusat.org.