Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Youth Religious Education Committee

Committee Charter

We continue our work on the Youth Religious Education (YRE) Committee because we strive to provide vibrant faith formation, create a beloved community, perpetuate Unitarian Universalist ideals, and assist in beginning the never-ending search for truth; to serve First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio’s children, youth, families, congregation, as well as the community at large; and by bearing witness to our children’s dialogue, by being aware of our own and of other faiths, by demonstrating radical acceptance and welcoming, by exhibiting our UU values, and by providing our youth opportunities to teach others.

We INVITE newcomers into our community by attending church regularly and welcoming and assisting new families.
We INSPIRE enthusiasm for faith formation by modeling active volunteerism.
We INVOLVE the church community by continually lifting up volunteer opportunities and the value of faith formation.

Job Description

Responsibilities of the Committee Chair:

  1. Manages the YRE committee e-group.
  2. Attends meetings of the Ministerial Council
  3. Submits reports for the Coordinating Team, as requested, and the annual report for distribution to the Council, the Church Office Administrator and the congregation in May.
  4. Calls and chairs quarterly YRE Committee meetings; sends reminders to members, solicits agenda items from the committee prior to meetings, sends agenda to DLRE 48 hours before YRE meeting for e-mail distribution and photocopying.
  5. Serves on the Youth-Adult Committee.
  6. Calls and chairs the annual YRE Committee retreat; works with the DLRE to coordinate agenda, activities, materials and sustenance required.
  7. Since the YRE committee chair will be knowledgeable about programs and activities, s/he will assume leadership in absence of the DLRE.

Responsibilities of the Committee Members:

  1. Stay aware of activities and plans, assisting as needed.
  2. Communicate regularly with Director of Lifespan Religious Education (DLRE) to discuss upcoming events, agenda items for YRE committee meeting, current needs, and other issues.
  3. Provide input and information for the reports for the Coordinating Team, as requested, and the annual report for distribution to the Team, the Church Office Administrator and the congregation in May
  4. Attend quarterly YRE committee meetings
  5. Attend relevant leadership events, including semi-annual congregational meetings, semi-annual retreats, and any special congregational meetings called by the Board, Board President or the congregation.
  6. Communicate with the church community about the committee’s functions and opportunities. Recruits members for YRE Committee. Attends new member receptions, as able, to welcome and socialize with new members.
  7. Sponsor, plan and carry-out 2 to 4 Church-wide events during the year that directly Invite, Inspire or Involve, these may include: the Annual Halloween Party, a FUUnd Lunch, the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, etc

For more information about Youth Religious Education activities at our church, Visit our Youth Religious Education page on this website or contact youthre@uusat.org.