Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Worship Committee

Committee Charter

The Worship Committee, in partnership with the ministers, endeavors to offer a communal worship experience each Sunday, founded in covenant and based on the church’s mission to “invite, inspire, and involve,” that supports our diversities in theology and in the human experience. We come as individuals and depart as a beloved community inspired to work towards a world of justice and lasting peace. By inviting and involving members to participate through the choir and musical offerings, readings, presentations, and sharing of joys and concerns, we seek to evoke a feeling of inclusiveness that lives may be strengthened and the world may be healed.

Job Description

Responsibilities of the Committee Chair:

  1. Chair the monthly committee meetings. Set the agenda with input from the minister and committee members.
  2. Make sure there are Worship supplies. (Candles/Worship Committee; Christmas Eve Candles & holders/Congregational Administrator)
  3. Submit an annual report for the Congregational Meeting. (Ask for input from Committee & Minister in March meeting)
  4. Submit payment vouchers to Congregational Administrator for paid guest speakers. (Minister sometimes does this too.)

Responsibilities of the Committee Members:

  1. Work with the minister to fill service slots when the minister is not in the pulpit.
  2. Coordinate with guest speakers/groups to provide support for their services & give payment info for non-members to the Chair
  3. Submit guest bios to Congregational Administrator to include in announcements and to update google folders with bios and all other pieces needed to complete the service, music, photos, slides, script, etc.
  4. Pay attention in services to what works really well and what might need some tweaking.
  5. Arrange for volunteers to be Lay Readers – should be able to speak well.
  6. Make sure the language needs are responsive to our community including making sure there are some elements in Spanish in every service. 
  7. Oversight of Worship Associates (duties in separate document).
  8. Oversight of Ushers (duties in separate document).
  9. Create/update protocols, charter, job description.
  10. Be responsive to the interests and needs of church members regarding Worship.
  11. Attend Committee meetings; keep minutes.
  12. Stuff the candle holders for the Christmas Eve Service & place in baskets.
  13. Recruit new Committee members that have been recommended by the Committee.
  14. Keep Worship Google Spreadsheet Calendar up to date.

For more information about Worship services at our church, visit our Sunday Service page on this website. For more information about the Worship Committee contact worship@uusat.org.