Help Get Out the Vote and strengthen Democracy! There are many ways to volunteer: postcards, letters, phone calls, give out literature, provide stamps, register voters, register college students, register high school seniors, attend events, knock on doors, values based conversations, or be an election worker. For more information or to volunteer, email
Stewardship is an important committee that helps us make improvements on our campus, helps us maintain the utilities and structures where we meet, allows the Board to create a budget each year, and basically keeps the lights on. To do this, members connect with donors, inform them of opportunities where help is needed, and remind all of us that it’s time to renew our pledges for the next year. In addition, members plan and implement fellowship and donor events, publicize the Stewardship Campaign and design/publish campaign materials. If you are interested, please contact us at
Our YRE committee is essential to maintaining our Youth RE program. It will be even more important to have a strong committee as a new DLRE begins at the church. He will need people to support him and provide institutional knowledge as he settles into his new position at the church. We are looking for members and chairpersons for the YRE Committee. More information on the Chair/Co-chair position and the responsibilities of committee members can be found on the church’s website here: If you would like to help, please contact Bridget (
The Maintenance Committee desperately needs assistance! The facility is showing its age, and there is currently only one member working on maintenance projects around the church. We would like to have a small cadre of ‘semi able-bodied’ folks to help in small projects (like general clean-up, some demolition of existing equipment, small repairs, etc.). It won’t involve anything too strenuous (or we’d contract it out), but there is a continual stream of things that are needed to prevent larger problems. Please contact for more information and to volunteer.
Are you looking to get more involved? Want something with minimal commitment that will have a big impact? The Membership Committee is looking for greeters. All that is required is the ability to smile warmly and welcome visitors and friends on Sunday mornings prior to services. This is a great opportunity for both new and old members. We ask for a commitment of one Sunday each month but even that is flexible. Join us in working to continue to improve our radical hospitality! Interested? To volunteer email
Add your gifts to the Sunday Service by acting as a Worship Associate. Assist in the necessary prep work before service, attend the Joys and Sorrows candle segment of Worship, and update the outdoor signage for next week’s theme. Obligation is no more than once a month. To volunteer email
If you love to sing or play an instrument, consider joining the choir or playing an instrument in one of our services. The choir is open to new singers at any time. Choir rehearsal takes place every Saturday at 11:00 am and the choir typically performs at 2-3 Worship services per month. For more information, contact our music director at
If you have a special occasion or person to honor, consider bringing flowers for Sunday services. Sign up online at our Flower SignUp site.