Worship Committee
ZoomMonthly planning meeting of the Worship Committee who, in partner with the ministers, endeavors to offer a communal worship experience each Sunday. For more information or to get involved visit our Worship Committee page or contact worship@uusat.org.
Environmental Reading Group
ZoomThe environmental reading group focuses on environmental justice issues as well as the heart and spirituality that calls us to address these issues. The groups meets twice on month on the first & third Thursdays of the month. To obtain the Zoom link and to get information on the current book selection, contact adultre@uusat.org.
Green Sanctuary Team
ZoomThe monthly planning meeting of the Green Sanctuary Team who works to educate and involve the congregation and the larger community in environmental actions as an integral part of a spiritual practice. For more information and to obtain the Zoom link, contact greenteam@uusat.org
Stewardship Committee
ZoomRegular planning meeting of our Stewardship Committee who plans and coordinates the yearly pledge drive of the church. For more information contact stewardship@uusat.org
Racial Justice-Black Lives Matter Work Group
ZoomMonthly planning meeting of the Racial Justice-Black Lives Matter Work Group - a group formed to promote racial equality and anti-racism. All are welcome! To join the meeting or get more information, contact rj-blmwg@uusat.org.