Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Stewardship Committee

Committee Charter

The goal of the Stewardship Committee is to invite and inspire members of the congregation to generously invest gifts of time, talents, and treasure within our congregation and the UU faith. In accordance with the church’s by-laws, the Stewardship Committee has the authority to plan and conduct the stewardship campaigns of the church in consultation with the Board of Trustees.

The Committee meets monthly at a time convenient for all members.  General meetings are 2 hours.  During the actual conduct of the Stewardship Campaign, members work more hours preparing documents, Stewardship events and doing follow-ups.

Job Description

Responsibilities of the Committee Chair:

  1. Oversee development & execution of Stewardship Campaign in consultation with Board and in collaboration with the Minister
  2. Create timeline for Stewardship Campaign & coordinate scheduling of key stewardship-related activities with Minister & relevant Coordinating Team Committees
  3. Attend Finance Committee to:
    • receive input on budget priorities for coming fiscal year to inform goals/messaging for Stewardship Campaign
    • provide timely updates & report on actual and anticipated pledges to guide development of budget for coming fiscal year
  4. Coordinate documentation of annual pledges with office manager
  5. Monitor & report success of annual Stewardship Campaign to Board and congregation
  6. Consult as needed with Membership and Member Care regarding status of members/friends who do not initially respond to Annual Stewardship Campaign
  7. Recruit committee members & facilitate meetings.
  8. Oversee training of Stewards
  9. Monitor committee budget
  10. Prepare Annual Report
  11. Work with UUA Consultant and church leadership to improve stewardship culture, processes, and outcomes.
  12. Review and update Charter and Job Description annually.

Responsibilities of the Committee Members:

  1. Soliciting leadership gifts
  2. Soliciting general gifts
  3. Planning & implementing fellowship and lead donor events
  4. Publicizing campaign
  5. Designing/publishing campaign materials
  6. Analyzing pledge data
  7. Recognizing gifts of time & talent
  8. Promoting stewardship-related education & conversation in general

Note: The timing of the Annual Stewardship Campaign is dictated by the fiscal year and the budget process, such that the campaign is typically initiated in early March of each year to provide sufficient time to conduct the campaign and “wrap-up” efforts so that campaign results can be used by the Board to finalize proposed budget in early May for the Annual Congregational Meeting.


For more information about Stewardship in general, particular’s about the current year’s campaign, or to submit a pledge of support, visit our Stewardship page on this website or contact stewardship@uusat.org.