Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Social Justice Committee

Committee Charter

The Social Justice Committee’s mission is to provide opportunities in the community for our members to live out their commitment to the principles of our faith.  Our committee works for social justice, in order to put our congregation’s faith into action. Our work includes racial justice, climate justice, economic justice, LGBTQ+ justice, reproductive justice, immigration justice, as well as fair representation in our democracy. We continue the work of social justice because our congregation is a community that puts our faith into action. We represent people with a passion for social and economic justice. We respond to concerns brought by congregation members regarding social justice and community issues. We initiate and coordinate social justice activities for our congregation in the larger community. We serve as a resource to other congregational committees to encourage aspects of social justice in their work. We act to advocate for the marginalized and oppressed.   The committee is accountable to the congregation through education and providing opportunities to put members’ passion for social justice into action.

Job Description

Responsibilities of the Chair:

  1. Plan the monthly agenda and gather supplementary information.
  2. Distribute the materials prior to the committee meeting through firstuu-sa-social-justice@googlegroups.com
  3. Preside over the meetings.
  4. Follow up to see that agreed-upon actions are implemented.
  5. Serve as a delegate to the Texas UU Justice Ministry (TXUUJM) Advisory Council.
  6. Participate in monthly congregational Coordinating Team meetings.
  7. Formally communicate as needed on behalf of the Committee to congregational representatives and representatives of other organizations in the larger community.
  8. Manage budget. Review, monitor, report, and submit reimbursement or payment requests for funds to individuals and the groups for whom we provide financial support. These include: COPS/Metro, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), TXUUJM, Texas Impact, and Racial-Justice Black Lives Matter Work Group (RJ-BLMWG).


Responsibilities of Committee Members:

  1. Bring to the Committee needs and actions to be taken by groups with which we are involved, including:
    -Community partners, and Local and Statewide Coalitions: COPS/Metro, TXUUJM, Free Battered Texas Women (FBTW), Interfaith Welcome Coalition (IWC), SA Stands, ACT4SA, etc.
    -Local organizations needing intermittent volunteer efforts: San Antonio Food Bank, Haven for Hope, CROP Hunger Walk,  and other groups that support voter protections, reproductive justice, and LBGTQ rights.   
    -Local, state and UUA organizations that implement UUA Study/Social Action Items and Actions of Immediate Witness.
  2. Propose ways that the Committee might be involved with these groups. For example:
    • Provide support for UUSC initiatives.  
    • Encourage church members to participate in COPS/Metro.  
    • Raise funds among church members to sponsor events by e.g., Planned Parenthood of South Texas, Healthy Futures of Texas, and Project QUEST, etc.
    • Plan educational events (films, book-reads, discussions, etc.) and organize drives for community partners as requested and approved. Encourage participation among church members.
    • Educate our elected officials about TXUUJM’s areas of interest through visiting with them in their local or district offices and in Austin during legislative sessions.
  3. Administration of the Share the Plate program with its Coordinator being an active Committee member. 
  4. Respond to calls to action e.g., to sign letters or petitions received by our congregation and/or the committee 
  5. Take part in the Social Justice worship service in January and promote participation in the MLK March the following Monday.
  6. Administration of the Courageous Love Award to San Antonio area social justice heroes.  Each year, on the Sunday before Martin Luther King Day, the Social Justice Committee nominates and selects individuals or organizations from our larger community that have shown courage and touched hearts in ways that exhibit UU values. 
  7. Participate in the UU Common Read sponsored by the Denominational Connections Committee
  8. Establish sub-committees and task specific groups as indicated.  Current associate reporting committees include Interfaith Welcome Coalition, Racial Justice-Black Lives Matter, Green Sanctuary Team, Free Battered Texas Women, Rainbow Inclusion Committee, UU the Vote, and Share the Plate.
  9. Respond to requests to sponsor social justice related activities within the church.

For more information about the Social Justice committee, visit our Social Justice page on this website or contact socialjustice@uusat.org.