Ministers & Staff

Rev. Xolani Kacela, Ph.D.
Interim Minister
pronouns: he/him
Rev. Dr. Xolani Kacela, also known as Rev. XK, holds a BBA from Morehouse College, an MBA from Boston University, and a PhD & Master of Divinity from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University. He was ordained in 2004 and received Full Fellowship as a UU Minister in 2012. His experience includes additional Professional Interim and Transitional Ministry training. He has been a Chaplain in the US Air Force and Air National Guard and has served our country in Iraq. He was an adjunct faculty member at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago and currently serves as Chaplain for the Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM). He has authored numerous publications and has served on the boards of many community organizations.

Rev. Art Severance
Minister Emeritus
pronouns: he/him
Rev. Art Severance received his Master of Divinity Degree from Lancaster Theological Seminary in 1987 and later completed his internship at the Princeton Unitarian Church. Rev. Art was the minister at First UU for 15 years, from 1991 to 2006. After becoming our minister in March of 1991, the church grew from 250 to over 400 members and the Sanctuary was built during his tenure. He later served in Unitarian Universalist ministry at Boulder Valley UU Fellowship in Lafayette, Colorado, East Shore UU Church in Kirtland, Ohio, First UU Church of Stockton, California, and at the UU Church of Amherst, New York. He retired in 2015 and moved back to San Antonio. He now serves as Minister Emeritus at First UU, as well as a visiting minister at other churches in the area.

Dr. Susan Dill
Director of Music
pronouns: she/her
Dr. Susan Dill holds Ph.D. and M.M. degrees in Music Education from the University of North Texas and a Bachelor of Music degree from Southern Illinois University. Dr. Dill has been the music director at First UU since 2008 and is currently Associate Professor of Music Education at The University of Texas at San Antonio where she has served as the music education area coordinator since 2001. In addition, her career in K-12 public schools spanned 22 years. She has served on the editorial committee for the Music Educator’s Journal and is a past president of TMEC, the Texas affiliate of NAfME, the national music teacher’s organization.

Tim Versteeg
Director of Lifespan Religious Educ.
pronouns: he/him
Tim Versteeg comes to us from the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton in Hamilton, Ontario (Canada). Tim was born in Ontario and trained in secondary education in English Literature and History. He spent a decade working for pet food companies and a dozen years as a stay-at-home parent for his three children, who were all raised in the First Unitarian Church of Hamilton and are now grown. Tim served First Unitarian Church in multiple roles, including on the worship committee, on the canvass committee, and on the board. He served as board president for two years. In 2012 he was appointed as a lay chaplain, a uniquely Canadian role that performs rites of passage services on the church’s behalf. In 2018 he began working as the church’s Religious Education director. Children, youth, and families have always been at the center of his work, with a strong emphasis on nurturing connections between all generations.

Mary Wright
Congregational Administrator
pronouns: she/her
Mary Wright holds bachelor’s degrees in psychology and criminology. She worked for 15 years in the disability field as a Mental Retardation Professional, Case Manager, and Disability Specialist. She is married and has two sons and a soon to be daughter-in-law.

Jaime Ramirez
Artist in Residence
pronouns: he/him
Jaime Ramirez is a San Antonio based music director/composer/pianist with a B.A. in Music from the University of Texas at San Antonio. He has accompanied at First UU since 2011 and has enjoyed every moment of it. In addition to his work here, Ramirez also works heavily in the theatre and music scene in his native San Antonio. He currently serves as Resident Music Director at The Public Theater of San Antonio. He was Resident Music Director at The Magik Children’s Theatre from 2000-2007, has music directed theatrical productions in community theatres throughout the city for over 20 years, does regular recording/touring work for several local bands, and has 2 albums of his original music available on all streaming platforms. Ramirez also teaches Band and Choir part-time at St. Mary’s Hall and is a full-time, amateur gardener.

Gary Evans
Sound Technician
pronouns: he/him
Garreth “Gary” Evans has been the sound technician at First UU since 2008. He grew up in the church and has been attending First UU for over 30 years. He has lived in San Antonio all his life and has one child named Milo.

Alex Bush
pronouns: he/him
Alex Bush is has been attending First UU since third grade. He was the recipient of the Wade Richmond Scholarship in 2019. He is a recent graduate from UTSA, where he studied Computer Science. He is currently taking courses in video game development at Northwest Vista College and working as a peer advisor at St. Phillips College.

Abcde Martinez
pronouns: she/her
Abcde Martinez received her Associate’s degree from St. Phillips College and is currently attending Texas A&M-San Antonio pursing her bachelor’s degree in accounting. She previously worked as a teacher at the Boy’s & Girl’s Club.

Claire Blood-Palin
pronouns: she/her
Claire Blood-Palin has attended First UU Church San Antonio since she was 6 years old. She received the Wade Richmond scholarship in 2022 and is currently studying early childhood education at the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio

Hailynne Rodriguez
pronouns: she/her
Hailynne Rodriguez is currently attending Texas A&M-San Antonio pursuing her bachelor’s degree in education. She hopes to one day become an elementary school teacher. She is currently working as an early education teacher and previously worked as a teacher at the Boy’s & Girl’s Club.