Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.

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Event Series Event Series: Values, Mission, & Ends Workship

Values, Mission, & Ends Workshop

February 25, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Please join the Board at a Values, Mission, & Ends Workshop!

The proposed Values, Mission, and Ends Statements created out of the CORE 24 workshops have been published. If you have not had a chance to see them yet, see below.

The Board is offering two workshops to allow the congregation to share how they could live into these values, mission statement, and ends.

·         Sunday February 4th and Sunday February 25th

·         In the Fellowship Hall

·         To begin after service – no later than 12:30

·         1.5-hour workshop

·         Snacks provided!

·         Walk-ins Welcome! No RSVP necessary.

Please come and share with the Board. Final proposed Values, Mission, Ends will be presented for a congregational vote at the May congregational meeting.

Our Values

In our religious community, we covenant to embody our core values:

·      Profound belonging

·      Openness to awe

·      Committed transformation

Our Mission

The mission of First UU is to co-create the Beloved Community within ourselves, among our congregation, and throughout San Antonio.

Our Ends

To fulfill our mission, we will:

1.     Welcome all people of good will, as they are and as they are becoming, as we connect at depth across difference.

2.     Care for one another in times of joy, sorrow, and transition.

3.     Equip ourselves, across the lifespan, to articulate our faith identity and live a spirited life of integrity in a search for truth and meaning, as informed by Unitarian Universalist faith practices and values.

4.     Accountably dismantle systems of racism and oppression in ourselves, our church, and greater San Antonio. In particular, we work for:

a.     Racial justice/antiracism

b.     LGBTQ+ justice

c.     Reproductive justice

d.     Environmental justice

e.     Immigration justice

5.     Share our life-affirming, life-saving Unitarian Universalist faith with the community.

6.     Invest our time, talents, and financial support to steward our church and the resources entrusted to us.


February 25, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Event Category:


Fellowship Hall
7150 IH 10 W
San Antonio, TX 78213 United States
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