Denominational Connections Committee

Committee Charter

As a vibrant, liberal religious community, we benefit from the vision and resources shared by our denomination on a national and district level. Through this interaction, our members become part of the national and district dialogue to bring about a world community with peace, liberty and justice for all. The Committee’s effectiveness will be evident through participation by our members in national and regional events, such as the General Assembly and training workshops, as well as by their responses to information and events in our church promoted by the denomination. Accountability occurs whenever our members have been inspired through denominational connections to carry out the shared vision of the congregation.

Denominational Connections serves as a liaison between First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Antonio and the Unitarian Universalist Association (includes the Southern Region) and to facilitate member participation in significant UUA issues.


Job Description

Committee Chair Responsibilities:

  1. Calls and chairs monthly committee meetings.
  2. Maintains communication between members through e-mail and /or meetings.
  3. Has a committee presence at the Coordinating Team’s bimonthly meetings.
  4. Coordinates member tasks to address committee responsibilities
  5. Writes yearly report for the May Congregational Meeting.


Committee Member Responsibilities:

  1. Attend monthly committee meetings.
  2. Inform the congregation of regional and UUA news and events.
  3. Provide member input to the region and UUA.
  4. Coordinate UUA Study/Action congregational activites with the Social Justice Committee.
  5. Coordinate UUA Actions of Immediate Witness with Social Justice Committee.
  6. Activities carried out each year include:
    • On-site and off-site delegation to the General Assembly, screening of the Ware Lecture program, and after GA delegate input
    • Promotion of events by the Southern Region.
    • Discussion of the “Common Read” book selection.
    • Input to the UUA regarding Study/Action issues and follow-up education and actions by the congregation.


For more information about Unitarian Universalism, visit the UUA Regional and National websites. For more information about the Denominational Connections committee contact