“The Story of the Flower Celebration” with Rev. Mark Skrabacz and Philisse Barrows – Join us this Mother’s Day at our annual flower celebration. Bring a flower to share in our communal bouquet. Music by Jaime Ramirez and a jazz combo. Every year our Congregation participates in the Flower Celebration which was given to Unitarians a hundred years ago as a new experiment symbolizing our liberty and community. Here’s a brief description: We invite each participant to bring a flower. The flowers are gathered in baskets as a symbol of belonging together as one spiritual community. During the service we distribute the flowers and then pair up with someone and exchange flowers. We then take them home as a gift from someone we know or maybe do not yet know. This exchange symbolizes our acceptance and inclusion of each other without regard to class, race, belief or other distinction. Join with us this Sunday in the Flower Celebration. Music by Jaime Ramirez and a jazz combo.