Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.




Celestial Celebrations Circle invites you to a Spring Equinox ritual, also called Ostara. We will meet on the playground. You may wear ritual garb or street or work clothes. “Equinox” means that this day has roughly an equal amount of sun and darkness. This is a solar festival opposite Autumn Equinox (Mabon). Spring first stirred […]



Celestial Celebrations Circle invites you to a Beltane ritual. Love is in the air at Beltane which invites us to embrace our passion and wisdom, jump the Bel-fire, and let our wings unfurl. We weave the Maypole and claim our desires. If possible, bring a ribbon for the Maypole (6 yards x 1/2 inch), a […]

Welcoming People of All Genders Ritual


Celestial Celebrations Circle invites you to a Welcoming People of All Genders Ritual. We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience an earth based religious ceremony that welcomes everyone of all genders. We welcome you whoever you are. Many religious doors are closed or only half open to the myriad of people who do […]



Celestial Celebrations Circle invites you to a Summer Solstice ritual, also called Litha. This is the longest day and shortest night of the year. After this night, the days will begin to shorten, so we call this the death of the sun God and follow him into the dark. We watch the sun set and […]