Worship Service on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.


Sunday Service

The best way to learn about First UU is by visiting us on a Sunday morning. Worship begins at 11:00 am and lasts about an hour. Services usually include instrumental music ranging from classical to folk and even rock, a celebratory song by our choir, words of inspiration or challenge from our minister, and quiet time for meditation and prayer. We also sing together and take time to greet one another.

You are welcome to “come as you are.” There is no dress code at our church. People wear what they are most comfortable in, from “Sunday Best” to shorts and sandals, and everything in between.

People of all ages are welcome in our worship services! Children up to 5th grade have the option of going to the playground for part of the service most days. A caring nursery is available for the youngest among us and, if you’d prefer your baby to stay with you, our “wiggle room” lets you see and hear the service while caring for your children.

While you’re here, be sure to stop by the Welcome Table inside the main doors. It’s a great place to get your questions answered and to learn more about the wider activities and opportunities of this community. 

One thing is certain: whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey, you will be welcome at First UU.

For more information about our Worship services, visit our Upcoming Services or Past Services page.
